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Diploma of Engineering

Key Information

Start Dates





8-24 months

Stage 1 or 2 – 8 to 12 months


Stage 1 prerequisites: none

Direct Stage 2 entry prerequisite:

  • SACE Stage 2 Specialist Maths or
    Math Methods (C or higher)
  • SACE Stage 2 Physics

Campus Location

UniSA City East

Domestic Fees

Stage 1: $14,600

Stage 2: $21,480

SATAC code: 5D6003

Study Mode : On-campus and online options

FEE-HELP available

International Fees

Stage 1: $28,520 ($3,565 per module)

Stage 2: $39,600 ($4,950 per module)

CRICOS code: 081519J

Study Mode : On-campus

Scholarships & Bursaries


  • Foundation knowledge in mathematics, an understanding of engineering practices, and specialised topics in civil, electrical, mechanical and mechatronic engineering.
  •  Study with confidence in small class sizes and personalised teaching methods.
  •  Dedicated academic and personal support services to assist with your success.
  •  Student leadership opportunities to grow your skills further.

Degree Pathway Options

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Year 12 Chemistry, or equivalent, is a pre-requisite for all applicants

Assumed knowledge for one or more of the following Year 12 subjects – Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Mathematics.

Year 12 Mathematics, or equivalent, is a pre-requisite for all applicants.

* SC = Successful Completion

Progression into first year UniSA

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Year 12 Chemistry, or equivalent, is a pre-requisite for all applicants

Assumed knowledge for one or more of the following Year 12 subjects – Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Mathematics.

Year 12 Mathematics, or equivalent, is a pre-requisite for all applicants.

* SC = Successful Completion

^ Feb intake only for international students. Feb/Jul intakes available for domestic students.

Diploma Structure

This diploma is made up of Tertiary Preparation modules and either Stage 1 and Stage 2 studies, or direct Stage 2 entry. To determine if you can bypass Stage 1 studies, please refer to our entry requirements

All Engineering students are required to complete Mathematics for Study(MMS001) and Language Development Module 1 (LDM100) in their first trimester (unless exempted). Although MMS001 and LDM100 do not count towards the study load or GPA, a non-graded pass is required for the program of study. A non-graded pass in LDM100 is required for graduation.

This module is designed to provide students with opportunities to review, develop and practice the English language systems and skills required to successfully participate in an undergraduate degree program. Successful completion of this module is required for graduation.

This unit provides a foundation in mathematics to provide students with skills to support their future university studies. Students are supported to develop core concepts and skills, and to apply these to solve problems.

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Diploma Stage 1

  • In this module students will be provided with an understanding and application of essential study skills, covering independent learning skills and styles, active listening, presentation, and group work skills.
  • You will be introduced to the use of the Internet, social media and associated technologies in society and business. Through the module, you will utilise Microsoft Office along with online tools for effective communication and discuss the ethical and security issues related to the use of Information Communication Technologies.
  • In this unit you are introduced to the basic principles of communication and its role in society and culture. You will investigate the effects of different forms of verbal and non-verbal communication and describe cultural influences on the communication process.
  • This module will introduce you to the basic principles of critical thinking. It also assists you in developing skills needed for the tertiary study environment, including academic reading, listening, and notetaking, as well as written formats and referencing.
  • In this module you will gain a good understanding of calculus required for further studies. You will use algebra to solve mathematical problems involving functions and trigonometry and gain an introduction to differential calculus.
  • This module further develops your capabilities in calculus to prepare you for the level of mathematics required in Engineering. You will build on your existing algebra knowledge to solve mathematical problems including trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic equations. Pre-requisite: Advanced Mathematics 1
  • In this module you are introduced to the basic concepts of Physics, with a particular focus on motion and heat. You will learn appropriate equations and units for demonstrating different concepts and conduct experiments to analyse and test theories.
  • This module further develops your skills in using the basic concepts of Physics to the level required for the study of engineering focusing on waves, optics, electricity and atomic physics. You will continue to develop your analytical skills, using appropriate diagrams as a form of communicating and discussing discrepancies in your results.

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Diploma Stage 2

  • This module will allow you to develop an understanding of fundamental programming concepts and the relevance of programming in solving engineering problems. These concepts will be applied through design and implementation of programming code and the use of microcontrollers. The course also covers coding standards and good programming practices, as well as problem solving processes and tools.
  • In this module you will seek to solve practical engineering design problems and to recognise the roles of systems thinking, innovation and creativity in the design process. Topics include basic systems engineering concepts, the engineering design process, design concepts, creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship, test and evaluation processes, and project management principles. This course will also develop 2D and 3D visualisation skills, which are essential to communicating designs.
  • You will be introduced to the role of the professional engineer, characteristics of modern engineering disciplines, critical analyses and reflective practice, principles of sustainable engineering and development; and practice effective teamwork, report writing, and presentations.
  • You will be introduced to mathematical concepts relevant to engineering disciplines using both analytic and software approaches. The module includes topics in calculus, trigonometry, and vectors; in particular functions and their graphs, rates of change and derivatives, and integration techniques. Pre-requisite: Advanced Mathematics 2
  • This module extends mathematical problems solving introduced in Mathematical Methods for Engineering 1. You will cover inverse trigonometric functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, partial derivatives, convergence of infinite series and linear first and second order differential equations.
  • Pre-requisite: Mathematical Methods for Engineering 1
  • The module will introduce you the properties, testing, performance, manufacture and selection of materials in engineering. The module covers the structure and properties of materials, and examines the atomic structure, bonding, micro and macro structures and crystals. It explores the mechanical, electrical and physical properties of materials and investigates the types, properties and strengthening mechanisms of metals and alloys. Additionally, the types and characteristics of polymers, ceramics and composites are studied.
  • This module provides foundational knowledge of Statics and a basic understanding of Dynamics to prepare students to design, model and analyse structural and mechanical systems. You will develop problem-solving skills to model and analyse forces, moments and their effects on the equilibrium state of particles, rigid bodies and structural members. Pre-requisite: Physics 1
  • This module will introduce you to the basic principles of electrical systems and electronic circuits. Electronic circuits will be described in terms of basic electrical quantities, components, and circuit analysis methods. Electrical systems such as power supply will be introduced in the context of renewable and non-renewable supply, transmission and storage.
  • Pre-requisite: Physics 2
Ka Chon Chu image

“The reason why I chose SAIBT as my pathway to UniSA is that SAIBT students have access to all UniSA facilities. Secondly, SAIBT offers a range of programs for students to enter and obtain a degree at UniSA. SAIBT has helped me a lot in my academic studies as it has strengthened my knowledge in different subjects, and I have learned a range of useful skills that can help me in my future university studies. I love the SAIBT teaching styles as they are not too intensive, and I am still able to gain knowledge during class. Since I didn’t know much about Australia or even Adelaide before I came here, studying in Adelaide was beyond my expectations. Some people said that Adelaide would be boring compared to Sydney or Melbourne, but for me, I prefer the vibe in Adelaide. Even though the CBD is not as big as other cities, the events here have really surprised me.”

Ka Chon Chu

Career Outcomes

Depending on your chosen UniSA specialisation, your career options can include:

  •  Civil engineer
  •  Construction / project manager
  •  Project engineer
  •  Electrical engineer
  •  Commissioning engineer
  •  Mechatronic development engineer
  •  Mechanical engineer
  •  Industrial engineer
  •  Automation engineer
  •  Software engineer

How to Apply

Applying to study at SAIBT is easy. With applications open all year round, you can complete your applications in 3 simple steps.

Apply easily online or seek assistance through an Education Agent.

More information

To avoid delays with your application, be sure you collate and submit all the required documents:

  • Certified* copies of academic transcripts and graduation certificates
  • English language test results (e.g. IELTS or PTE)
  • A certified* copy of the personal details page and signature page of your passport.

*A certified copy is a copy of the original document that has been certified by an official such as a SAIBT Education Agent or staff member, justice of the peace, notary public, police officer or examining authority)

You may want or need an Education Agent to assist with your application. To find a SAIBT representative:

You will receive your Letter of Offer within a few days of applying. Read it thoroughly and provide all requested documents outlined in page 2. If your offer is ‘conditional’ it means that you need to submit further documents. Conditions and details of what you need to provide will be articulated on your Letter of Offer.

If your offer is ‘unconditional’ this means that you have provided all the information required to meet each of your conditions of enrolment. Complete and submit Section 2 and Section 4 of your Letter of Offer and include proof of payment via email to, or upload via Studylink.

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